Friday, June 17, 2011

6 Nominees...Who Will Win Best Project?

Is it over? Really? It feels like we just started! Gosh, we learned a lot in such a SHORT period of time! I loved all of the projects, but I think the one that I enjoyed the most was the video race. I did not like having to come up with footage from an ‘un-camera’ named tool, but I really liked piecing together all of the parts in final cut. It was pretty stressful though, what with the 3D and the animation due and the editing project for 331 and then on top of that, put a new project that has to be completed in 48 hours. This was like a ‘lord of the flies’ day times 3. But I will say that Gabby's lecture on sound really helped me out! We had to come up with an idea, shoot it, import it and then make something presentable out of it. It was hard finding footage, but I luckily already had footage on my phone from when it snowed last and I just recorded some other random things from around. I had no idea what I was going to do with them, but once I got into final cut and found some audio that I recorded, it just seemed to all fit into place. That was nice. I was going for the general theme of apartment life- the dogs barking, the babies crying, and the general lack of peace. I also enjoyed the final screening of both of the classes’ final projects. A great way to incorporate us and to show each other our hard work. It was a really nice ending to a fast-paced semester.  Bravo Silvas, thank you for a very instructive and well-rounded 4 weeks.
‘See you in another life Brother'
-Desmond Hume LOST

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