Monday, June 6, 2011

Theatre in the Rough

In my Intro to Editing class this semester, one of our assignments is to create a found footage video that carries with it a certain message or meaning. This is almost exactly what was being said in the article. We are taking someone else’s work and manipulating it in a way to create new meaning and depth. Isn’t that what editing is anyways? I’ve always found videos like Aaron Valdez’s (an experimental filmmaker that was shown to us in editing class) to be intellectual and meaningful. He pokes fun at celebrities or brings up certain global issues in a humorous manner. No matter what he does, he does it in a way that makes the audience sit back and really think about the meanings behind his films. For this assignment, in my editing class, may partner and I are tentatively going to manipulate found footage and images to convey the evolution of vampires and how widely accepted they are in today’s society…even found appealing… I think we are going to use some things like Nosferatu, Buffy, and maybe even Twighlight (much to my avoidance).

After reading this article, I feel like I am better prepared because I understand what goes on in the mind of someone who’s attempting to spread a message through found footage. It think it will be a good learning experience for us to say something profound with something we found. This is just another addition to the drills and assignments that will lead all of us towards a brighter path in filmmaking. It’s Film Boot Camp (Summer Session 2011).

PS. That’s what I am now referring to this semester as…

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